What We Believe

Belief in Jesus Christ is the legacy that lasts.  

What We Believe

We believe…that God created man to be in dominion over all the earth. He expects us to love and honor Him as every loving child would honor his or her Father. He teaches us through the scriptures how we can honor Him and live in harmony with all men.

We Admit

We admit…that human beings are self-centered and independent at heart. That independence and self-centeredness has separated us from God and makes it impossible for us to live at peace with one another. This is what is commonly referred to a sin or original sin.

We Know

We know…that Jesus Christ came to earth to show us that God still loves us. His death upon the cross is evidence of God’s love and provides the invitation for us to be reconciled to God.

We Can

We can…be reconciled. By accepting God’s offer of reconciliation, we experience the enabling power of the Holy Spirit. This power enables us to become faithful followers of God and helps us learn to live in harmony with one another. As we commit ourselves to the leadership of the Holy Spirit we become ever-increasingly more what God intended for us at the time of creation.

We Intend

We intend…to show God’s love to those around us. It is our desire that all people feel welcome to become part of this body of Christ. We pray that God will help us reflect here in Grayling the body of Christ at its very finest.

We Extend

We extend…to you, an open invitation to join us as we strive to experience God in His fullness and together exhibit the qualities God desires in the people the world calls Followers of Jesus Christ.

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